Friday, January 29, 2010

Dear oh dear...I've quite neglected my blog. This is bad.
In unrelated news, I started knitting socks!
All thanks to my deariest Graciella :)
So. Life!
Summed up. :O
I've now entered "old" teenagerhood, which most of you know. I can now legally drive(but only if I complete 14 hours of driving practice, after obtaining my permit, which I can't get until I finish Drivers' Ed, which doesn't exist online anymore and that means I have to go take it with *gasp* REAL PEOPLE and NOT my dear sweet mother, who I know would do a better job anyway), get a job, and of course, start feeling incredibly old whenever I tell people my age(only after a sputter of fou-fift-no, sixteen!) (yes, this does mean that I recently almost told someone I was 14, not too long ago.) (parentheses ftw!!)
My uneventful life keeps me pretty busy, trying to catch up on World History, and fingering through the PSAT study guide hesitantly. Any free time I have, I'm most likely at my computer, furiously clicking away, trying to make pictures look how I want them to. May I add here that Adobe Lightroom is the best? Thanks.
I painted my toenails bright blue today. But you didn't need to know that.
Ooh, and I started a Mozart piano Sonata too. It's lovely. You've probably heard it.
I leave you with 1 Peter 5:7.
Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
Isn't God just wonderful?
Have happy days!


  1. Oh my where do you live again??? Because I'm moving there!!
    Only 14 hours after you get your permit? Dude, I have to do 100....hahaha lucky girl :P
    YAY! I'm glad you posted again :-)
    Ah! And I love that verse :D

  2. my mom says that you have beautiful feet :-)

  3. YOU OLD PERSON!!!!!!

    I found a letter you wrote me in the summer, and it made me laugh :)

    Bright Blue Nail Polish FTW!

    Ooo, Mozart Sonata!!

    I can't wait to see pictures of your birthday :) (and I'm sure they will be wonderfully awesome when they do emerge from the depths of your editing skills)
