Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
But I don't want to fill up my blog with posts just about how I'm not posting. That would make me the most boring person in the world. (as very wisely stated a few days ago on xkcd) So I think I should probably catch y'all up on my life lately...since I don't really get to see or talk to most of you guys much anymore....which is depressing. And I don't want to be depressing.
So yes. Life. Ahem.
Whatever's left of it. (Good gracious. Was that emo?)
Anyways. After Kaley left, life's been really really quiet. Most of my time has been spent either knitting, daydreaming, playing piano, wishing I was in Ponca, reading, facebooking, editing pictures, daydreamed about being in Ponca, gleefully recieving more of my Great Books in the mail, playing piano, twiddling my thumbs, listening to a certain *ahem* audio file on my phone over and over again(if you don't know, don't ask. "Siiiillly girl" :P), laughing about said audio file, missing Ponca people, finishing ALGEBRA, playing piano, and of course scolding myself about not blogging more...riiiight.
So here I am. Currently listening to a Miaskovsky cello concerto with a tummy full of homemade chocolate chip cookie and a phone that's not being a nice little dear and recieving texts like it should be. If it were not for that last fact, I would be perfectly happy. But I think I'm pretty darn happy anyway...since my BROTHER CAME HOME!